Print-ready files
With print-ready files, you can get the final product quickly and at no extra cost.
Requirements for printing files
As print-ready files, we accept composite PDFs that comply with the PDF/X-1a:2001 printing standard. Only CMYK or spot colors are suitable. We recommend using ISO Coated FOGRA39 or ISO Coated v2 300% for coated paper as the color profile. At least 3 mm bleed from each edge must be included (NB: in the case of packaging, all cutting lines are considered to be the edge). Layout is in the middle of the page in PDF. The resolution of the images is 300 dpi. Black text and barcode are made only in black – 100K. Please do not add registration marks, colour bars, etc. to the PDF. Only cropmarks can be used.
Please note
Overprinted objects are printed on the objects below them. Therefore, when designing white objects, be sure to never have an overprint, otherwise the white object will not be visible on the print. Solid black objects (100% black) are always automatically overprinted during prepress. To achieve no overprinting on 100% black object, it must be set to 1C/1M/1Y/100K.
Rich black
Regular 100% black ink will not actually remain completely black, but rather will look dark gray on large surfaces. To achieve a stronger black tone in offset printing, rich black must be used, such as 40C/30M/0Y/100K.
Spine thickness
In the case of glue binding, the thickness of the back of the publication depends on the number of pages and the thickness of the paper used. Be sure to ask us how thick your spine should be.